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Data Science Online Courses Online Courses


Introduction to Course

Environment Setup

Machine Learning overview


Python Crash Course

➢ OPTIONAL: Python Crash Course

➢ Python Crash Course - Part One

➢ Python Crash Course - Part Two

➢ Python Crash Course - Part Three

➢ Python Crash Course - Exercise Questions

➢ Python Crash Course - Exercise Solutions



➢ Introduction to NumPy

➢ NumPy Arrays

➢ Coding Exercise Check-in: Creating NumPy Arrays

➢ NumPy Indexing and Selection

➢ Coding Exercise Check-in: Selecting Data from Numpy Array

➢ NumPy Operations

➢ Check-In: Operations on NumPy Array

➢ NumPy Exercises

➢ Numpy Exercises – Solutions



➢ Introduction to Pandas

➢ Series - Part One

➢ Check-in: Labeled Index in Pandas Series

➢ Series - Part Two

➢ DataFrames - Part One - Creating a DataFrame

➢ DataFrames - Part Two - Basic Properties

➢ DataFrames - Part Three - Working with Columns

➢ DataFrames - Part Four - Working with Rows

➢ Pandas - Conditional Filtering

➢ Pandas - Useful Methods - Apply on Single Column

➢ Pandas - Useful Methods - Apply on Multiple Columns

➢ Pandas - Useful Methods - Statistical Information and Sorting

➢ Missing Data - Overview

➢ Missing Data - Pandas Operations

➢ GroupBy Operations - Part One

➢ GroupBy Operations - Part Two - MultiIndex

➢ Combining DataFrames - Concatenation

➢ Combining DataFrames - Inner Merge

➢ Combining DataFrames - Left and Right Merge

➢ Combining DataFrames - Outer Merge

➢ Pandas - Text Methods for String Data

➢ Pandas - Time Methods for Date and Time Data

➢ Pandas Input and Output - CSV Files

➢ Pandas Input and Output - HTML Tables

➢ Pandas Input and Output - Excel Files

➢ Pandas Input and Output - SQL Databases

➢ Pandas Pivot Tables

➢ Pandas Project Exercise Overview

➢ Pandas Project Exercise Solutions



➢ Introduction to Matplotlib

➢ Matplotlib Basics

➢ Matplotlib - Understanding the Figure Object

➢ Matplotlib - Implementing Figures and Axes

➢ Matplotlib - Figure Parameters

➢ Matplotlib-Subplots Functionality

➢ Matplotlib Styling - Legends

➢ Matplotlib Styling - Colors and Styles

➢ Advanced Matplotlib Commands (Optional)

➢ Matplotlib Exercise Questions Overview

➢ Matplotlib Exercise Questions – Solutions


Seaborn Data Visualizations

➢ Introduction to Seaborn

➢ Scatterplots with Seaborn

➢ Distribution Plots - Part One - Understanding Plot Types

➢ Distribution Plots - Part Two - Coding with Seaborn

➢ Categorical Plots - Statistics within Categories - Understanding Plot Types

➢ Categorical Plots - Statistics within Categories - Coding with Seaborn

➢ Categorical Plots - Distributions within Categories - Understanding Plot Types

➢ Categorical Plots - Distributions within Categories - Coding with Seaborn

➢ Seaborn - Comparison Plots - Understanding the Plot Types

➢ Seaborn - Comparison Plots - Coding with Seaborn

➢ Seaborn Grid Plots

➢ Seaborn - Matrix Plots

➢ Seaborn Plot Exercises Overview

➢ Seaborn Plot Exercises Solutions


Data Analysis and Visualization Capstone Project Exercise

➢ Capstone Project overview

➢ Capstone Project Solutions - Part One

➢ Capstone Project Solutions - Part Two

➢ Capstone Project Solutions - Part Three


Machine Learning Concepts Overview

➢ Introduction to Machine Learning Overview Section

➢ Why Machine Learning?

➢ Types of Machine Learning Algorithms

➢ Supervised Machine Learning Process

➢ Companion Book - Introduction to Statistical Learning


Linear Regression

➢ Introduction to Linear Regression Section

➢ Linear Regression -Algorithm History

➢ Linear Regression - Understanding Ordinary Least Squares

➢ Linear Regression - Cost Functions

➢ Linear Regression - Gradient Descent

➢ Python coding Simple Linear Regression

➢ Overview of Scikit-Learn and Python

➢ Linear Regression - Scikit-Learn Train Test Split

➢ Linear Regression - Scikit-Learn Performance Evaluation - Regression

➢ Linear Regression - Residual Plots

➢ Linear Regression - Model Deployment and Coefficient Interpretation

➢ Polynomial Regression - Theory and Motivation

➢ Polynomial Regression - Creating Polynomial Features

➢ Polynomial Regression - Training and Evaluation

➢ Bias Variance Trade-Off

➢ Polynomial Regression - Choosing Degree of Polynomial

➢ Polynomial Regression - Model Deployment

➢ Regularization Overview

➢ Feature Scaling

➢ Introduction to Cross Validation

➢ Regularization Data Setup

➢ L2 Regularization -Ridge Regression - Theory

➢ L2 Regularization - Ridge Regression - Python Implementation

➢ L1 Regularization - Lasso Regression - Background and Implementation

➢ L1 and L2 Regularization - Elastic Net

➢ Linear Regression Project - Data Overview


Feature Engineering and Data Preparation

➢ A note from Jose on Feature Engineering and Data Preparation

➢ Introduction to Feature Engineering and Data Preparation

➢ Dealing with Outliers

➢ Dealing with Missing Data : Part One - Evaluation of Missing Data

➢ Dealing with Missing Data : Part Two - Filling or Dropping data based on Rows

➢ Dealing with Missing Data : Part 3 - Fixing data based on Columns

➢ Dealing with Categorical Data - Encoding Options


Cross Validation, Grid Search, and the Linear Regression Project

➢ Section Overview and Introduction

➢ Cross Validation - Test | Train Split

➢ Cross Validation - Test | Validation | Train Split

➢ Cross Validation - cross_val_score

➢ Cross Validation - cross_validate

➢ Grid Search

➢ Linear Regression Project Overview

➢ Linear Regression Project – Solutions


Logistic Regression

➢ Early Bird Note on Downloading .zip for Logistic Regression Notes

➢ Introduction to Logistic Regression Section

➢ Logistic Regression - Theory and Intuition - Part One: The Logistic Function

➢ Logistic Regression - Theory and Intuition - Part Two: Linear to Logistic

➢ Logistic Regression - Theory and Intuition - Linear to Logistic Math

➢ Logistic Regression - Theory and Intuition - Best fit with Maximum Likelihood

➢ Logistic Regression with Scikit-Learn - Part One - EDA

➢ Logistic Regression with Scikit-Learn - Part Two - Model Training

➢ Classification Metrics - Confusion Matrix and Accuracy

➢ Classification Metrics - Precison, Recall, F1-Score

➢ Classification Metrics - ROC Curves

➢ Logistic Regression with Scikit-Learn - Part Three - Performance Evaluation

➢ Multi-Class Classification with Logistic Regression - Part One - Data and EDA

➢ Multi-Class Classification with Logistic Regression - Part Two - Model

➢ Logistic Regression Exercise Project Overview

➢ Logistic Regression Project Exercise – Solutions


KNN-K Nearest Neighbors

➢ Introduction to KNN Section

➢ KNN Classification - Theory and Intuition

➢ KNN Coding with Python - Part One

➢ KNN Coding with Python - Part Two - Choosing K

➢ KNN Classification Project Exercise Overview

➢ KNN Classification Project Exercise Solutions


Support Vector Machines

➢ Introduction to Support Vector Machines

➢ History of Support Vector Machines

➢ SVM - Theory and Intuition - Hyperplanes and Margins

➢ SVM - Theory and Intuition - Kernel Intuition

➢ SVM - Theory and Intuition - Kernel Trick and Mathematics

➢ SVM with Scikit-Learn and Python - Classification Part One

➢ SVM with Scikit-Learn and Python - Classification Part Two

➢ SVM with Scikit-Learn and Python - Regression Tasks

➢ Support Vector Machine Project Overview

➢ Support Vector Machine Project Solutions


Tree Based Methods: Decision Tree Learning

➢ Introduction to Tree Based Methods

➢ Decision Tree - History

➢ Decision Tree - Terminology

➢ Decision Tree - Understanding Gini Impurity

➢ Constructing Decision Trees with Gini Impurity - Part One

➢ Constructing Decision Trees with Gini Impurity - Part Two

➢ Coding Decision Trees - Part One - The Data

➢ Coding Decision Trees - Part Two -Creating the Model


Random Forests

➢ Introduction to Random Forests Section

➢ Random Forests - History and Motivation

➢ Random Forests - Key Hyperparameters

➢ Random Forests - Number of Estimators and Features in Subsets

➢ Random Forests - Bootstrapping and Out-of-Bag Error

➢ Coding Classification with Random Forest Classifier - Part One

➢ Coding Classification with Random Forest Classifier - Part Two

➢ Coding Regression with Random Forest Regressor - Part One - Data

➢ Coding Regression with Random Forest Regressor - Part Two - Basic Models

➢ Coding Regression with Random Forest Regressor - Part Three - Polynomials

➢ Coding Regression with Random Forest Regressor - Part Four - Advanced Models


Boosting Methods

➢ Introduction to Boosting Section

➢ Boosting Methods - Motivation and History

➢ AdaBoost Theory and Intuition

➢ AdaBoost Coding Part One - The Data

➢ AdaBoost Coding Part Two - The Model

➢ Gradient Boosting Theory

➢ Gradient Boosting Coding Walkthrough


Supervised Learning Capstone Project-Cohort Analysis and Tree Based Methods

➢ Introduction to Supervised Learning Capstone Project

➢ Solution Walkthrough - Supervised Learning Project - Data and EDA

➢ Solution Walkthrough - Supervised Learning Project - Cohort Analysis

➢ Solution Walkthrough - Supervised Learning Project - Tree Models


Naive Bayes Classification and Natural Language Processing (Supervised Learning)

➢ Introduction to NLP and Naive Bayes Section

➢ Naive Bayes Algorithm - Part One - Bayes Theorem

➢ Naive Bayes Algorithm - Part Two - Model Algorithm

➢ Feature Extraction from Text - Part One - Theory and Intuition

➢ Feature Extraction from Text - Coding Count Vectorization Manually

➢ Feature Extraction from Text - Coding with Scikit-Learn

➢ Natural Language Processing - Classification of Text - Part One

➢ Natural Language Processing - Classification of Text - Part Two

➢ Text Classification Project Exercise Overview

➢ Text Classification Project Exercise Solutions


Unsupervised Learning

➢ Unsupervised Learning Overview


K-Means Clustering

➢ Introduction to K-Means Clustering Section

➢ Clustering General Overview

➢ K-Means Clustering Theory

➢ K-Means Clustering - Coding Part One

➢ K-Means Clustering Coding Part Two

➢ K-Means Clustering Coding Part Three

➢ K-Means Color Quantization - Part One

➢ K-Means Color Quantization - Part Two

➢ K-Means Clustering Exercise Overview

➢ K-Means Clustering Exercise Solution - Part One

➢ K-Means Clustering Exercise Solution - Part Two

➢ K-Means Clustering Exercise Solution - Part Three


Hierarchical Clustering

➢ Introduction to Hierarchical Clustering

➢ Hierarchical Clustering - Theory and Intuition

➢ Hierarchical Clustering - Coding Part One - Data and Visualization

➢ Hierarchical Clustering - Coding Part Two - Scikit-Learn


DBSCAN-Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise

➢ Introduction to DBSCAN Section

➢ DBSCAN - Theory and Intuition

➢ DBSCAN versus K-Means Clustering

➢ DBSCAN - Hyperparameter Theory

➢ DBSCAN - Hyperparameter Tuning Methods

➢ DBSCAN - Outlier Project Exercise Overview

➢ DBSCAN - Outlier Project Exercise Solutions


Principal Component Analysis and Manifold Learning

➢ Introduction to Principal Component Analysis

➢ PCA Theory and Intuition - Part One

➢ PCA Theory and Intuition - Part Two

➢ PCA - Manual Implementation in Python

➢ PCA - SciKit-Learn

➢ PCA - Project Exercise Overview

➢ PCA - Project Exercise Solution


Model Deployment

➢ Model Deployment Section Overview

➢ Model Deployment Considerations

➢ Model Persistence

➢ Model Deployment as an API - General Overview

➢ Note on Upcoming Video

➢ Model API - Creating the Script

➢ Testing the API



Data Science Online Course

Data science is about mining the uncovered insights of data concerning trends, behavior, and interpretation to allow informed decisions to support the business. Data Science is a strong field that is leading the workforce in modern times toward data analysis, recognizing a vast volume of information and insights. The main criteria behind Data Science Online Courses are to take out information that is considered an actionable form of a set of raw data. The companies collect a considerable amount of information, and this data are primarily unstructured. These data are stored in the data lake. These information must be differentiated so that the organization can determine which are crucial data sets and which are redundant. The process of differentiating is the most crucial task, and the information is structured and processed with the help of data science. The data science course is trending in the market. Many institutions provide these courses to the students. The students should take the course from a reputed institution to learn about this course in detail. One of the best institutes that provide in-depth training to students is KLabs IT. This institution provides an online data science course, making the student excel in this field.

Data Science Online training institution

KLabs IT provides students with the best data science courses and helps them to make a career in this field. The students are trained by the best trainers with excellent knowledge and experience in data science. The students who want to join the online data science course are provided with great benefits. The students can choose their batch timings according to their preferences. They can try out demo classes before they join the institution. In order to join the demo classes, the students only need to register on the website of the institution. Apart from data science, this institution also provides other courses which the students can also join.

Scope of Data Science jobs

The data science field may be new, but it is evolving rapidly and changing constantly. There is a growing demand for data scientists, and many industries have a high demand for data scientists. Those industries are E-commerce and retail, manufacturing, banking and finance, healthcare, and transport. Many job roles are also present in data science. These jobs are in great demand. Big data engineer, data architect, data analyst, and business analyst are some major job roles in huge demand and are offered a good range of salaries.

Placement process after courses of Data Science Online courses

KLabs IT offers detailed training throughout the course, and at the end, they provide placement to the students who complete the entire course. The placement facility is provided to every student, and they are also provided with interview preparations. The trainers are high-level professionals who have around ten years of experience. They prepare the students through live assignments and projects, and then they prepare the resumes and sit for mock interviews, which the trainers conduct, and after that, they are provided jobs in good companies.


The students who complete the whole training are provided with certificates from the institution, which helps them get good future jobs.




Placement Process

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KLabs IT Courses

KLabs IT is the best software training institute in Bangalore. We provide trending software courses like Data Science, RPA, Mulesoft Talend, and more. Register for FREE Classes on our site for more information. Call us:- 7619649190

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